Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, May 31, 2010


First of all I want to say Happy Memorial Day! Thank you for all those that fought for our freedom. You guys are heroes! I want to say thank you to my fiancee for serving this great country! I love you so much!

As you can see in this picture I'm just having fun. I have new curtains that are purple (my fave color) and I was just seating and watching Hannah Montana and Tyler Perry's movies because Army Wives my fave show wasn't on because of Memorial Day but it will be back on next Sunday and I can't wait!
I do all sorts of different poses because that's me. I'm very energetic and I like to have fun. I don't like for people to be so unhappy with life so I try to put a smile on there face. Sometimes it works.
ME being silly. I have 2 sides to me.
1. I like to smile and have fun.
2. I'm crazy and like to make funny faces.
My fiancee loves me for the person that I am and I'm so grateful!
Here is my smily side. I just love to smile because there is so much more to life then just sitting around and crying all the time. I miss Ben so much and I try my hardest not to cry but sometimes I let it out but no matter what mood I am in I always try to smile. :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Summer Lovin

had me a blast. Summer lovin happened so fast. I love Grease! Anyways, enjoying my spring/summer. I went to my aunt's house last Wednesday and spent the night with her. On Thursday here's all we did: up, ate coffee, had breakfast and went to Sammy's Awards ceremony. home,changed, went outside in the yard and helped my aunt Margie plant flowers while chasing her dog Pugley.
3.getting attacked by flies that bite.:( but the good thing was that I didn't bit but it was close because they were trying to go into my ear.
4.after we planted flowers, my aunt made some supper. It was chicken and rice and it was so good! We also had mixed vegetables and sweet n' sour on the top of my rice and chicken!
5.had to be at praise band practice at 6:30.
6.did an audition for Sean the worship leader and he said that I did good but he said that I'am a back up singer. He doesn't want me doing any solos right now and I'm fine with that!
7.i'm going to be singing at church tomorrow so hopefully I do okay, that is if Kathy comes to practice. She didn't sing, she just stood there at practice last Thursday and so they told me to just come to practice tomorrow morning.

As you can see, I'm having a wonderful summer. And one more thing I forgot to tell you, I quit my job because I was tired of being mistreated and taken advantage of. I know that the Lord will bless me and I'm putting this in His hands. I applied for this job that my mom and I saw in the paper. Its for a receptionist/bookkeeper. I hope that I get it!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sammy's Graduation

Sammy and I just so happy! I am so proud of her! She is going to be a freshman in August! I can't believe she is growing up. I've known her since she was a little bitty thing and now she is all grown up. Makes me feel old! She got a PACS award and another award for something else but I can't remember what it was for.
3 people were taking our pics at the same time and it was hard to look at all of the cameras but I think this one is cute! We are so cute!
I was trying to take a whole picture of Sammy's face but my stupid camera cut her eyes out. I love her smile though! I wish I would've got her eyes.
My camera is weird because I was trying to take a picture of Sammy as she was walking back to her seat but my camera is dumb.
Sammy is in front with the black hair and the black jacket. She looked so beautiful!
Sammy walking back to her seat.
Sammy accepting her award she got in Social Studies. So proud of you Sammy! Good luck in high school dear! God bless you sweetie! I love you dearly!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ashley's Prom

My little sister Ashley is going to her senior prom. Doesn't she look beautiful! I love her dress. I remember my senior prom although I didn't have a date I still had fun with my friends.
People think she is older because she is taller but I'm the oldest. People always tell us that we look like twins but we don't. She looks like my mom and I look like my dad. Simple as that.
She does some great poses!
She is looking forward to her big dance! I know she will have fun!
My and Ashley. The sun was in my eyes so they are closed. My dad also wouldn't keep the camera still and just took pics of everything.
I look grumpy in this one but I'm not mad or anything and I didn't realize that Ashley had her eyes closed. Gotta love my dad!
Sun is beaming in our eyes so I didn't take my best pic but we still look cute!
This is our best pic! I love this one! Ashley go have fun at your senior prom! It will be a memorable moment in your life! I loved my senior prom!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ben sent me this pretty red rose on my cell phone!

I was off from work at about 11:30 am and I saw this pretty red rose on my cell phone. Ben had sent me this red rose to me. Isn't he sweet? I love this pic! He is such a wonderful man! He knows that I love flowers! I love you baby!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today was great!

I got to talk to my mother in law Stacy today. It was a good conversation. We talked for about an hour and it was great! We were talking about our families, our jobs and how we are doing. We talked about the book the Excellent Wife and we are going to meet up again next Tuesday and talk about Chapter 2. Its a good book so far and I'm glad that she is willing to go over this book with me to better equip me to be a godly wife for Ben. It such a good book and I look forward to reading it once more! I don't have any pictures yet I'm afraid but I will get some pics soon. Now that school is out I don't really have a lot of time to go out and take pics but I promise I will post more pics up soon.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Excellent Wife

This is the study guide that goes along with the book. Its really easy to fill the answers out. I'm on chapter 1 right now and I love it so far! The author Martha Peace is such a great author and the study guide is really helping see ways that I can be a godly wife to Ben.
This is the book. Its such an amazing guide, helping me look up the scriptures in the bible and seeing ways that my marriage to Ben will be a God Blessed marriage. I look forward to being a wife and I look forward to Ben being my husband!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Last Day of School

Me and my close friend Brittany Hatabaugh. She has been a good friend of mine since school started! I'm so glad that she is my friend! We have talked after class many times and we help each other in Math. She is a smart girl and I hope her and I have Math class again in the Fall. Mrs. Jane DiNoto thank you for being our teacher! WE love you!
ME with my pigtails. I know that I only took 2 pics but we kind of ran out of time and my friend was willing to pose with me but its all good. I have enjoyed my semester and I look forward to the summer! And I also look forward to my vacations coming up!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Been so long

The SHCC cross.
Pastor TC Baker. He is such a great pastor and is so on fire for God!
Safe Harbor Christian Church

It has been a long time since I last posted. So sorry. I've had a lot of homework and now I have a final in Math on Thursday and also my last day of school is on Thursday! Can't wait to be off for the summer and go to Ohio to see my aunt, uncle and cousins and I look forward to spending some time with my aunt also who lives in Henryville.

So much as happened to me. I have changed churches. I now go to Safe Harbor Christian church. Its a long story why I don't go to Rolling Fields anymore. I don't want to discuss it on my blog. I became a member last Sunday and I love it! Our pastor's name is TC Baker and he is so on fire for God! Everybody at this church is so welcoming and loving. My parents go there and my aunt also goes there as well. I know I'm going to grow at Safe Harbor and I love the people!