Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Neuschwanstein Castle

This day was so much fun! The castle was really beautiful and is so historical! Ben and I had an amazing time and want to go again someday. My feet was hurting but it was so worth it!
The better view of the castle.

Ben and I taking a picture and the castle is in the background. We were standing on a bridge.
Ben taking a pic of me with the castle in the background.
Up close of the beautiful castle!
Look at that! What a beautiful creation!
Love the mountains and the sparkly river!

The bridge that we stood on and it looks so high and I was so scared but so thankful that Ben pushed me and motivated me because without his help and God's help, I would've made it.

The carriage ride. You had 3 options. 1. you could walk up to the castle, 2. ride on a carriage ride or 3. take a bus. Guess which one we took? The bus! It was a little scary but had a blast!

In line getting our tickets to go see the castle. Such a great time! My feet were hurting but afterwards it was so worth it! So glad that Ben was with me because it would've been fun without him. I love him so much and was so glad that he was able to be there holding my hand, motivating me, pushing me and never giving up on me. I love you babe!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer of 2011

While we were going to different cities in Germany there was a city called Kissing so we stopped and took a pic of us kissing! One of my favorite memories!
I'm a warrior!
Swimming was fun! These are 3 diving boards and they are pretty high. I didn't even want to try diving off of it because I don't well with heights.
That slide was fun! Ben and I kept going down it so many times!
Me in the Longs house. What a beautiful home!
Big papa! He is so cute! He's my new friend! He's always happy to see Ben and I!
Kasey reading her book. We are such sneakers!
Don playing his game!
Ben and I experimenting with our new camera!
No makeup on but I still look beautiful! I'm sorry I haven't blogged in awhile but i didn't have any pictures or anything to blog about so here it is. I'm finally blogging again! More pics soon!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Haven't blogged in awhile

My new dress that I love! I've been buying outfits and getting things ready for my trip to Germany.
Isaac and Carter are getting so big!!! I look forward to meeting them!
Allicans loves the camera! She loves doing poses.
My fave!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I have been getting things ready before I go to Germany in 2 weeks! And plus I haven't really did anything exciting so I haven't took any pictures. Well here's a few that I took.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy birthday Evan!

Evan is on the left! Happy birthday Evan! You are a wonderful and handsome young man! Hope your having a wonderful day! I can't believe that you are 11. I miss you and have a great day!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Royal Wedding-the actual day

Prince William and Kate saying vows to one another.
Placing the ring on Kate's finger. Its Royal Tradition for the prince to not wear a wedding ring.
The famous kiss!
During the ceremony.
The carriage ride to Buckingham Palace.
Entering the balcony at the Buckingham Palace.
Leaving the crowd to have a great reception!
In the car! She looks so stunning! :)
On the way to the abbey!

This was such a great wedding! I'm so glad that I was able to see it on TV! The Future King and Future Queen looked so amazing and the whole wedding was beautiful! She really was a princess! Congrats to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge! I look forward to my wedding day! I'm gonna be a princess!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding

I can't wait to see images of their wedding day tomorrow! I really respect that they don't want two billion people watching them. I that when Ben and I have our wedding, its going to be nerve wacking enough having people watch us say our vows. Still Kate is going to make a beautiful Princess. She's very beautiful!

May they always be happy! Princess Diana will be there in spirit tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


There was a thunderstorm here and I heard that there are trees down on Allison Lane where I work. I have to be at work this morning at 8am so I pray that I make it there safely. I didn't even hear the storms last night because I slept through them. I sleep through storms so its hard to hear when your sleeping. I hope by now that the storm has cleared up. Hope that all you all are safe and did the precautions necessary.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Haven't posted in a while

Me and Raelyn after church on Sunday! Cheesin for the camera.

I work for McDonald's. It feels so good to be back! I have missed everyone so much. I love my job! Hope that everyone has a great day! :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Atlantic Ocean

Some kind of building. The Atlantic Ocean was beautiful. We were somewhere in SC but I didn't know where.
This is the SC bridge!
Such a beautiful ocean! This was such a breath taking site.
These are some apartments. I wanted to take photos of everything!
Sir Nathaniel Johnson- was the Gov of SC in the early 1700s.
My hair is blowing like crazy and look at the beautiful site behind me!
Ocean water!
It was really cold out here but I was so glad that I was able to be here!
All kinds of boats.

I know that these pics are old but I wanted to post them before tomorrow since its April! I had such a great time in SC and I want to go back someday and even go to Myrtle Beach to!