Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, January 31, 2011

Complete randomness!

Allie saw that I had my hair band in my hair and she grabbed it and put it on my head like this. She is so adorable! I love moments like these!
Doesn't see look so sexy in my head band? I think so. She is so cute. I just want to pinch her cheeks!
The face I was making when Allie did this to my hair but she is so cute and I love it when she does things like this because they are cute! I love you Allie girl!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Had fun with my friend Melissa

These lights were so pretty. My friend Melissa took me to the Lighthouse to get some drinks. I did have fun nonetheless. She is so much fun!
Me with my beer.

I had two long island ice teas, a shot, a beer and some water. I was really tipsy last night but it was fun. I really enjoyed myself. We were going to go to Fourth Street Live but we were both to tired to go and plus we will do that next time we hang out! Thanks again Melissa for taking me out! I had an absolute blast!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My cousins Isaac Parker and Carter Gray Smith are born!

Isaac Parker and Carter Gray Smith were born on January 11, 2011 at about 2:30am. They are so cute, I can't wait to meet them! Congrats to Tara and Jason! I know they are so excited to have these boys! When I first found out they were having twins I was so happy. Tara and Jason have a beautiful home in Ohio and the boys will love it there. Hopefully Haylee (the dog) won't smother them. I'm sure she will be fine. I look forward to visiting them and holding them for the first time before I leave to be with my husband in the fall. These boys are such cutie pies and I'm so glad they are here!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Eve 2010

This is always a tradition in my family where we always get these glasses out, pour grape juice and wait for the ball to drop. It was really fun! I'm going to miss my family next year but I will see them on Skype. I will be with my wonderful husband next year!
Me posing with my glass. Ready to get the party started!
My glass of grape juice. Waiting patiently to drink it.
My new outfit. Thank you to my best friend Callie for buying this shirt for me. It show fits me well and I love the texture of it! Callie knows me so well!
Me doing some silly pose. Awaiting to drink it up!
Happy New Year!
This is Diet Grape juice. It was really good! I had a blast ringing in the new year with my family! We always have such a great time together! I can't believe that 2011 is already here. I'm looking forward to 2011!