Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Its fall!

Well I don't have any photos up yet because 1. my laptop needs a new charger, 2. my birthday is on Sunday so I will make sure to take some pics to put up here. Looking forward to seeing the in laws to be! They will be here on Saturday but we will see them on Sunday, they will see me singing up there on stage I'm nervous but I know it would mean a lot to them if I sang. Wow I will be 21! Where does the time go!

I have also been working a lot. Elwood Staffing has me at Cardinal Printing and they have been giving me some hours which is great because I need the hours before I go on vacation next week. I will go looking around on Friday and see if I can find a charger for my laptop with a distant price. Hopefully I will.

Hope everyone has a good day and pics are coming soon! :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A year ago today....

Ben asked me to marry him! I can't believe how fast time has went. This day last year was the best night of my life. He was nervous but he did a good job! I look forward to being his wife. Ben is so amazing and I'm so glad that he's in my life! He will be home soon and I can't wait to see him again. I miss him so much. Happy 1 year anniversary baby of being engaged! Looking forward to the wedding! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

This morning when I got up....

Ben sent me this picture of Germany. Isn't it a beautiful view. He takes better pictures than I do but that's okay. I wish I was there to enjoy it with him but we will do a lot of traveling together and I can't wait. I've always wanted to go to Germany but I'm sure he will take me one day. I think this picture is outside of his window but I'm not sure. Nevertheless its a great picture and I was so happy that he sent this to me! I have seen pictures of Germany online and its gorgeous!

Baby thanks again for sending this picture to me. I love the view! I hope you had a good birthday! I love you! :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy birthday Ben!

Hope your having a great day baby! Your 22 today! I miss you and I'm so proud of you. I will see you soon my love and I look forward to it! I love you! :)