Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, October 25, 2010

My trip to Roanoke, VA

This is my favorite picture of Ben and I. I love when he kisses my head.
My in laws: Stacy and David. I'm so blessed to have such godly in laws. They are so awesome and I'm glad they are in my life! :)
My hubby and I. Don't we look so cute? He thinks he looks like a creeper in this picture but I don't think so. He looks so handsome. this is my favorite picture of us.
The beautiful mountains.
Ben re-proposed to me up on the mountain on this rock. He got down on one knee and had "the ring" that I wanted. I cried because I was so happy. This was truly a great day!

Close up of my engagement ring and my wedding band. This was the best picture that I could take. I know its blurry.
My princess cut ring.
This is what my wedding band looks like. I don't have it on right now because Ben and I are going to wait til the actual wedding. Our wedding bands are at his parents house.

This is my handsome man! I love this pose.

As you can tell, I had such a blast in VA. I miss everyone up there but I will see them next year. Looking forward to my future with my husband!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Here is an update of all that happened this past 2 weeks. Well my husband at that time my fiancee, surprised me at church on my birthday October 3rd. He flew all the way down from Germany to be here for my birthday. it was so memorable!

Then I came with his parents to come down to there house in VA. They were also there to celebrate my 21st birthday. We left October 4th and I leave on Thursday to come back home.

Ben took me up the mountain and sat me on this rock and reproposed to me with the ring that i wanted. We took some pictures. Pics coming soon! This day was so awesome because he wanted to propose to me for a 2nd time because he said that he didn't do it right the 1st time. this time he actually got down on his knee and asked me to marry him again and of course i said yes!

We got legally married on October 15, 2010. We went ahead and got married so that I could be on his orders when he out processes out of Germany and I will go with him to his next duty station. We will have the actual ceremony this time next year.

Ben is on his way back to Germany. He left today and I miss him so much. I know that he will be back next year and I can't wait to be with him again! I look forward to our future together!