Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, June 21, 2010

Cincinnatti Zoo

As you can tell I had a blast in Ohio! Ohio is such a pretty state! I really didn't want to leave but I had things to take care of at home. I loved the Zoo although it was smelly. I had to hold my nose because the poo smell was really strong but I had fun with my cousin Tara and my uncle Jimmy. We had this soft serve ice cream and it was yummy! It was so hot and worth it. We went on the train and it was a waste. It really didn't take us to anything exciting. For lunch we had pizza. I forget what the name of it was called but it was good!
This lion was so funny. It looks like he is sleeping with his butt in the air. He was sleeping before people started coming. Its amazing how they sleep.
I took this pic because I thought it was interesting. If I see something interesting I take a picture of it. The Manatee Area was cool. I couldn't take pictures in there because it said no flash photos.
This Rhino was really cool. This part really stunk the worst but I was just to bear with it.
This is the polar bear's home as you can say. I love polar bears. I think they are so cute!
You can barely see him but this polar bear is under water. He was moving so fast that I couldn't get a good picture of him.

I love penguins! This part was one of my favorites!
This is a purple bird. I love the colors on this bird. Purple is my favorite color.

The monkey's were so cool! They were hollering at each other and playing with each other. It was so cute and it reminded me of my siblings and I and how sometimes we fight and like to play games with each other.

I'm weird I know but I thought it was cool and I was bored.
Me waiting outside for my cousin Tara and my uncle Jimmy.
The giraffe's were cool to! I love how tall they are.

The elephants were cool to. Stinky but it was great seeing all these animals. At the end of the time we were there my hip started hurting. My uncle said that I have 20 year old itis.

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