Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, October 25, 2010

My trip to Roanoke, VA

This is my favorite picture of Ben and I. I love when he kisses my head.
My in laws: Stacy and David. I'm so blessed to have such godly in laws. They are so awesome and I'm glad they are in my life! :)
My hubby and I. Don't we look so cute? He thinks he looks like a creeper in this picture but I don't think so. He looks so handsome. this is my favorite picture of us.
The beautiful mountains.
Ben re-proposed to me up on the mountain on this rock. He got down on one knee and had "the ring" that I wanted. I cried because I was so happy. This was truly a great day!

Close up of my engagement ring and my wedding band. This was the best picture that I could take. I know its blurry.
My princess cut ring.
This is what my wedding band looks like. I don't have it on right now because Ben and I are going to wait til the actual wedding. Our wedding bands are at his parents house.

This is my handsome man! I love this pose.

As you can tell, I had such a blast in VA. I miss everyone up there but I will see them next year. Looking forward to my future with my husband!

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