Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I'm just having a blah kind of day. The weather is beautiful and I want to go out and enjoy it but we have to much stuff to do. My puppy is adorable and so much fun. He goes crazy with a lazer light. He is such a cat! I will put up pictures of Kuro soon. I'm on my new computer and haven't transferred things from my old computer to the new one yet. I will be sure to do that. Things are good! Valentine's Day is coming up and I can't wait! This will be the first one for us. Although, we have been together for 3 years we haven't spent any valentines day with each other because the first one, he was going off to basic training, the 2nd one he was in Germany and now that we are together we are going to spend it together for the first time! It will be really special for us! I will also take pics of valentine's day as well. I just wanted to write today because I know I have so much catching up to do. I haven't blogged in forever because I was planning my wedding and that took all of my time, also I was in Germany with my love, spending time with family members, honeymoon and the move to TX. So you can see why I haven't been blogging. Just no time. I will update soon!

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