Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Eve 2010

This is always a tradition in my family where we always get these glasses out, pour grape juice and wait for the ball to drop. It was really fun! I'm going to miss my family next year but I will see them on Skype. I will be with my wonderful husband next year!
Me posing with my glass. Ready to get the party started!
My glass of grape juice. Waiting patiently to drink it.
My new outfit. Thank you to my best friend Callie for buying this shirt for me. It show fits me well and I love the texture of it! Callie knows me so well!
Me doing some silly pose. Awaiting to drink it up!
Happy New Year!
This is Diet Grape juice. It was really good! I had a blast ringing in the new year with my family! We always have such a great time together! I can't believe that 2011 is already here. I'm looking forward to 2011!

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