Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Royal Wedding-the actual day

Prince William and Kate saying vows to one another.
Placing the ring on Kate's finger. Its Royal Tradition for the prince to not wear a wedding ring.
The famous kiss!
During the ceremony.
The carriage ride to Buckingham Palace.
Entering the balcony at the Buckingham Palace.
Leaving the crowd to have a great reception!
In the car! She looks so stunning! :)
On the way to the abbey!

This was such a great wedding! I'm so glad that I was able to see it on TV! The Future King and Future Queen looked so amazing and the whole wedding was beautiful! She really was a princess! Congrats to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge! I look forward to my wedding day! I'm gonna be a princess!

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