Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Last dinner with Ashley

Outside in the parking lot at the Sheraton Hotel where Ashley is staying at and will leave from there to go to MEPS where she will go to boot camp. I'm glad that its finally snowing and not melting.

Dirty Santa. My mom got some sauce on her shirt and I thought it was funny so I took a picture of it. My mom called him dirty Santa so that's where the name came from.
Pepperoni! Yum!
Mom, Dad and I having a fun time.
Dad and I.
Ashley and Austin. Ashley recruited Austin and so now he's in the Marines to! He leaves for boot camp January 10th. We are so proud of Austin And Ashley!
My little sister and I. Gosh how we have grown. I can't believe that we are adults now. Time has flown by. I'm going to miss my sister but I know I will see her in 13 weeks.

Best pizza in town. Our waitress wasn't friendly at all. She just seemed like she was snobby but nonetheless had a great time with Ashley.

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