Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Leah's birthday Party!

My bro Matt and I at Leah's birthday party. We are in Matt and Leah's new home! Its such a beautiful home and I'm so glad that we are neighbors! It was so nice meeting Leah and her family. She is such a sweet girl!
Me and Matt up close. I was trying to take the pic but it turns out Leah didn't like this pic. I tried though.
Matt and Leah's cat named Zeena! She is such a cute cat! My mom had a laser light and the cat went crazy. Zeena really likes laser lights. She was chasing after it and almost hit the wall. The movements she was doing was really cute!
My mom didn't want her picture taken. She doesn't like having her picture taken.
Abigail, Leah and I having a blast! It was so much fun!
Great decoration!
I'm having a blast can't you tell? The whole party was so much fun! I loved everything about the party! I was late because I had school tonight and I didn't get out until 7:15 but I still made an effort to come to the party because I knew that it would mean a lot to Leah if I showed up.
We had:
1.Hamburgers, fresh off the grill that Matt made.
2.Hot Dogs
3.Doritos chips
4.Potato salad
5.Chips and dip
7.Cake of course made out of cupcakes!
9.Brownies, My favorite!
10.Veggies like, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower
It was so much fun and I'm glad that I came and made my belly full!
The birthday girl!
Abigail is so cute and loves Matt.
Aren't they cute! Abigail is such a sweet little girl. She is really friendly. She didn't know me that well but she wanted to sit on my lap so I let her. She is so cute!
The awesome birthday cake with cupcakes at the bottom of it. I didn't have any because of my diet but it looks good. Leah loves cupcake so this is what she wanted. She also likes unicorns. My mom got her a unicorn picture and she loved it! It so nice to finally get to meet her!

Leah thank you so much for inviting me to your birthday party! I had a blast! Happy birthday Leah!

1 comment:

  1. Leah's birthday Party is stunning my dear. These photos are very fun to watch. My grandfather’s birthday was in last month so I had hosted a grand party for him at the vintage event space Chicago. I got help from my aunt who knows a lot of things about vintage party decorations.
