Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Today I was helping in the Nursery. My friend Jess Stewart was suppose to be in here today but she asked me to take her spot and I did. She had surgery and the doctor told her not to lift things so I didn't mind taking her spot. I had a really great time in the Nursery. It was so much fun! The kids really enjoy getting their pictures taken. We sang songs and they just played and had a great time.
Raidan and I in the Nursery. When his mom dropped him off in the Nursery he would not even play. He is so used to having brothers and a sister to play with. But then after JD Barnes came in, they both played.
Me and JD. He is so cute! He's a really great kid!
JD and Raidan having a jolly 0' time in Nursery. They were pretending to make pancakes that we plain. I asked for chocolate chip pancakes but they were like "No we want them plain" so I just let them use their imagination.
There faces are priceless. I told them to smile but instead they made funny faces but it was so cute!

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