Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thunder over Louisville part 2

thunder was so much fun although we had to wait a long time for the fireworks. it was a lot of fun nonetheless. even though it was cold outside, i still enjoyed myself. a lot of these pics are dark but i still hope that you enjoy!
this is starting off. this part is always my fave!
i love how these fireworks stay close together.
beautiful downtown Louisville! i love my hometown!
this is the American Flag!
you can see the American Flag up close!
this kid had a star wars sword that lights up! its so cool!
dark pic of the American Flag.

fighter jet with lights on it!

love Louisville!

Todd and Callie having a fun time at thunder!
aren't we cute!
josh is Todd's little bro. he's such a goofball.
hannah is gangsta!
Micheal, David, Krista, Tracy (todd's mom), Todd (todd's dad).
Brianna with her cool earrings!

having a great time with my friends!

i was just bored so i just took a pic of my engagement ring! isn't it beautiful! love Ben!

Hannah's awesome hat!

Air Force plane! I was screaming out "Go Air Force" and people were looking at me but I didn't care because I'm proud of my man!

Callie and Todd and the froggy!
isn't Callie beautiful with the froggy!
its on her head!
me with the froggy!
happy birthday Hannah!

Chelsea is gangsta!

me and my best friend Callie!

Thanks again Callie and Todd and Hart family for inviting me to Thunder! I had a great time!

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