Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Atlantic Ocean

Some kind of building. The Atlantic Ocean was beautiful. We were somewhere in SC but I didn't know where.
This is the SC bridge!
Such a beautiful ocean! This was such a breath taking site.
These are some apartments. I wanted to take photos of everything!
Sir Nathaniel Johnson- was the Gov of SC in the early 1700s.
My hair is blowing like crazy and look at the beautiful site behind me!
Ocean water!
It was really cold out here but I was so glad that I was able to be here!
All kinds of boats.

I know that these pics are old but I wanted to post them before tomorrow since its April! I had such a great time in SC and I want to go back someday and even go to Myrtle Beach to!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Our trip to FL!

Larry, Ashley, Roger, John and I at my uncle Mike's house. Roger is the most funniest person I've ever seen! He is so funny! He was in AA with my parents and he moved to FL so this was a really great visit!
We were watching the sunset. It was so beautiful! I'm so glad that I was here to see it! my mom started crying because she's always wanted to see the ocean and now she has and this was a really great moment!
At the beach. It was so beautiful! Great weather! And I got a sunburn but now its peeling so that's good but this was fun!
This was at Howard bay.

Howard Bay which is not to far from my uncle's house. The water was cold but the weather was perfect!
Watching the sunset was so beautiful and I love how the water shines!
We are in Clear water, FL! This was amazing and I miss FL so much.
Me and Ashley having fun. This was after John dunked her in the water and it was really cold. She almost hurt him and I don't blame her.
My sister has lost so much weight. We are sexy babes!

About to go to Clear water beach. So much fun!
My feet in sand! This was awesome!

The beach!
I know that this is late but I've been busy and sick and haven't felt good enough to post this so finally its here! This vacation was so much fun and I took a lot of pictures because I want other people to see how much fun my family and I had!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ashley's graduation/became a Marine

She surprised my pappaw. This is so cute!
My mom being up close with the camera.
This was Ashley's best friend in Boot Camp her name is Bourbon.
Look at my sister, we are so proud of her!
It was so nice being able to be there for her graduation. Everyone did a great job at staying in formation!
After the graduation. When John saw her he gave her a big hug and picked her up off the ground. It was a sweet moment!
Ashley is free at last!
At Buckhead looking all nice in her blues!
We are here!
She looks so sexy and bad ass. Now nobody can mess with her.
This is the Marine's creed, This was an awesome thing to read,
The Marine Emblem.
Ooray! Ashley thank you so much for letting us all come to your graduation and bring you home! It was a nice vacation! I'm so proud of you and love you very much!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Parris Island, SC/ Family Day

I bought this shirt at the commissary. I'm so glad that I can be able to show this shirt off everywhere I go! I'm so proud of my sister!
Ashley and I infront of the Iowa Shima statue.
Ashley in formation. Getting ready to practice for graduation. You can tell which one is her.
We are all so happy for Ashley!
This pic is so cute! My mom has missed Ashley so much and it was nice to go around her squad bay and see where she slept and where it all began.
My siblings, dad and I in the squad bay.
She was so happy to eat real American food! She was so happy that she made it and became a Marine!
Talking to pappaw. This is a great picture!
Mom taking a lot of pics of her on the phone but this one is cute!

She looks so good!
Her platoon is the last one. So proud!
I don't know what the circle is and where it came from but it makes for a great picture!
This was the schedule that was going on of all the activities that were available for the day. Ashley is home til April 12th. She has recruiter's assistance and will be working in the recruiters office. So glad that she has that time off!