Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Atlantic Ocean

Some kind of building. The Atlantic Ocean was beautiful. We were somewhere in SC but I didn't know where.
This is the SC bridge!
Such a beautiful ocean! This was such a breath taking site.
These are some apartments. I wanted to take photos of everything!
Sir Nathaniel Johnson- was the Gov of SC in the early 1700s.
My hair is blowing like crazy and look at the beautiful site behind me!
Ocean water!
It was really cold out here but I was so glad that I was able to be here!
All kinds of boats.

I know that these pics are old but I wanted to post them before tomorrow since its April! I had such a great time in SC and I want to go back someday and even go to Myrtle Beach to!

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