Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ashley's graduation/became a Marine

She surprised my pappaw. This is so cute!
My mom being up close with the camera.
This was Ashley's best friend in Boot Camp her name is Bourbon.
Look at my sister, we are so proud of her!
It was so nice being able to be there for her graduation. Everyone did a great job at staying in formation!
After the graduation. When John saw her he gave her a big hug and picked her up off the ground. It was a sweet moment!
Ashley is free at last!
At Buckhead looking all nice in her blues!
We are here!
She looks so sexy and bad ass. Now nobody can mess with her.
This is the Marine's creed, This was an awesome thing to read,
The Marine Emblem.
Ooray! Ashley thank you so much for letting us all come to your graduation and bring you home! It was a nice vacation! I'm so proud of you and love you very much!

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