Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, March 28, 2011

Our trip to FL!

Larry, Ashley, Roger, John and I at my uncle Mike's house. Roger is the most funniest person I've ever seen! He is so funny! He was in AA with my parents and he moved to FL so this was a really great visit!
We were watching the sunset. It was so beautiful! I'm so glad that I was here to see it! my mom started crying because she's always wanted to see the ocean and now she has and this was a really great moment!
At the beach. It was so beautiful! Great weather! And I got a sunburn but now its peeling so that's good but this was fun!
This was at Howard bay.

Howard Bay which is not to far from my uncle's house. The water was cold but the weather was perfect!
Watching the sunset was so beautiful and I love how the water shines!
We are in Clear water, FL! This was amazing and I miss FL so much.
Me and Ashley having fun. This was after John dunked her in the water and it was really cold. She almost hurt him and I don't blame her.
My sister has lost so much weight. We are sexy babes!

About to go to Clear water beach. So much fun!
My feet in sand! This was awesome!

The beach!
I know that this is late but I've been busy and sick and haven't felt good enough to post this so finally its here! This vacation was so much fun and I took a lot of pictures because I want other people to see how much fun my family and I had!

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