Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Ben wanted me to take this pic of him before his mom Stacy cut his hair. This was back in September 2009. These pics were on my camera. My mom showed me how to download these pics. We were in Roanke, VA visiting his family. It was fun!
Another pic of my handsome fiancee!
Ben's hand is curled up into mine. I wanted to get a good pic of my engagement ring with him holding my hand. So romantic!
Me having an amazing time at the Simon's! This is there couch.
This is outside of Kingfish. Ben, my family and I were eating at Kingfish after church one Sunday afternoon. I decided to take pics outside of Kingfish. This is the outside deck. What an amazing sight!
This is up close. These are the chairs and tables downstairs on the deck.
This is a really pretty scenic picture.
The amazing view of Louisville and the bridge.
This was back in the Summer of 09. We were in Nashville TN helping put backpacks together for kids. As you can see, JD is having a fun time trying to organize the markers.
Very organized Markers and Color Pencils.
I think this is pencil sharpers and erasers.
David organizing the glue.
So many binders!
This list was really helpful to us. It is a list Elementary, Middle and High school. This showed what items go in each of the backpacks.
We had over 300 backpacks.
Calculators that I helped organize.
Daniel loves helping people. He is such a sweet boy.
We went to Cracker Barrel in TN. It was awesome!

Take 2.
Aaron and Declan having a fun time in TN.

Nashville Electric Center. Such a cool building!
Downtown Nashville.

These trips were so much fun! Nashville is beautiful and VA is such a pretty state! I love traveling!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Karis' Birthday Tea Party Extravaganza!

Yummy cucumber sandwiches that Ashley Backherms made! I didn't get the chance to try one because I was to full off of other delicious food. I want to try these sandwiches one day. I have to ask her for the recipe.
We are all pretty princesses! We are all having a fun time telling stories, drinking tea, eating and enjoying our little princess!
Tina's temporary princess tattoo. I was going to get one but I had to work today so I didn't think it was a good idea to go into work with this tattoo on my hand. Maybe next time.
Food full of goodies! We had princess mints, princess plates to set the food one, cucumber sandwiches, Robin Eggs (the princess' favorite) Peta Bread, Cheese crackers and trail mix!
This game was fun! Andria and Karis really enjoyed playing the Princess Game. It was fun watching them. They were so cute. The point of the game is to get Cinderella as close as you can into her room looking out of the palace. As you can see here, Karis and Andria had a little to much fun with it but I'm glad they enjoyed there selves.
Me with my princess crown on and Chapped lips. :(
This was taking yesterday morning at church in the Nursery. Lydia was having so much fun crawling, and chewing on everything. She almost ate my finger. She has two teeth that has come in and they are her bottoms and they are razor sharp.
Having fun in the Nursery. Lydia with her fave doll.
Katie is putting a princess temporary tattoo on Karis. This picture is to cute. I <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="'+tatoo..jpg">One of Karis' tattoos. She was having so much fun posing for me and she liked me taking her picture.
Karis' other hand. These are her princess slippers.
Karis is opening up her present that Ashley Backherms gave her.
April is reading Karis' card that she got her.
Pretty Karis is having such a good time!
Both of Karis' tattoos. So cool!
I <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="'+cinderalla+lights+up..jpg">Cinderella lights up! This was on Karis' cake.

Karis' awesome birthday cake! On her cake is Belle, Cinderella and Aurora. Cinderella is Karis' fave and mine to!

We are all pretty princesses in Karis' palace. What a great group of Girls to be princesses!

Great group of girls! I'm glad that I was apart of this party! I really enjoyed myself.

Karis posing with her prince of a brother Brennan.

Ashley got Karis a Princess Jewelry Music Box. I love music boxes and this is a great present.

April got Karis a tent with princesses on it! Karis can use this tent for camping outside with her mom, dad and her brothers.
This box was hard to open. The store wrapped it up really good.

April almost as it.

Andria with her adorable green crown. She has such a pretty smile!

Karis I had fun being a princess! I love to dress up and pretend to! I can't believe that you are 4 years old. I can still remember when you were a baby and I held you for the first time after you and your family came back from Turkey. I had fun!