Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Having fun with Katie and her kids!

The kids' new playground set. I was actually taking the photo from inside. I was being lazy and taking a pic from the inside because it was cold this morning. Its suppose to be spring.
The Pastor and Katie's big backyard. They can have BBQ's in the summer time with this yard or even put a swimming pool for the kids to swim in during the summer to.
Me and Princess Karis. Today is her birthday and she wanted to play tea party with me. We both had a blast! :)
Oh my Goodness I'm so proud of Keith. He was standing all by himself. Brennan loves to play with his little brother. I was playing with Keith and looking through the toys and he was trying to get a toy out and he was standing all by himself! The booger bear is growing up!
Keith looks so amused. Brennan didn't really want to play tea party with us girls. He didn't want to go outside and walk. We had this plan of going around the neighborhood and walking and handing out door hangers to put on people's doors but Karis didn't want to do that and its her birthday so we did whatever Karis wanted to do.
Katie is reading princess stories to us because Karis wanted her to read those books. Brennan wanted to do something else.
Karis is so proud of her little tea party set she got from her mom.
Karis is really being focused and listening to her mom while she reads us princess stories.
Karis is so anxious to get her set out. Karis is into princess stuff. She thinks she is a princess.

Happy birthday Karis! I can't believe you are 4 years old now. You are growing up on me. I can still remember when you were a baby. Time has really flown. I'm so glad that I was a part of your tea party and I loved playing dolls with you princess!

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