Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My siblings and I

I just love looking at old pictures in particular looking at pics from when I was little. This picture is just such a great picture. It just makes me think about when we were all together in one house and now I look back and I miss my brothers and my sister. My sister Ashley has just moved out today to live with my 2nd oldest brother Larry. I'm the only one that's still at the house until I get married next year.

I'm still close with my brothers but my sister and I weren't as close as we used to be. Now that we have gotten older we have went our separate ways and it makes me sad because I love my sister and I miss being her friend. I hope that one day her and I become the best of friends.

Gosh I can't believe how fast time goes. This picture was taken in 1994. We all are adults now and we all live our lives and have different kinds of interests and likes. But one thing is for sure that we will always have each other. I pray for my siblings everyday and I pray that they would all one day rededicate their lives to the Lord.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Recent pics of Ben

Isn't he just adorable? I love getting pics from my sweetheart! He is doing fine but misses me and his family. I got to talk to him last night for 2 hours straight and it was a good conversation! His family comes home tomorrow from LA and I know they had a blast! :) I can't wait until I see the Simon's again and I can't wait to see Ben again! :) I'm going to be patient and wait for my sweetheart to return to me.

My fiancee is so handsome! :) I look forward to marrying Ben!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Allie Girl!

My sister Ashley and Allie! Had such a fun time with Allie Girl today! Went with my brother Larry and my sister Ashley to go pick Allie up in Salem. It was a fun drive. Allie does all kinds of cute faces! She is talking so good! Her 1st birthday is tomorrow! She is growing up so fast! Haven't seen Allie in a long time and it was great hanging out with her today!
Such a cute pose! Allie just playing with toys and dancing! It was so cute! :)
Allie has started pointing at things, and its so cute! She is so smart because when someone asks how old she will be, she puts the #1 up and she is so precious!
Allie and I having a great time in the car! She was talking and playing with all kinds of toys and saying Daddy.

Allie is into clapping her hands. She claps at everything and just smiles so bright. Allie is so precious!
Such a cute pose with cute faces!
This is my favorite pic of Allie. She is such a beautiful baby and I'm so glad that God has put such a precious thing in my life!
My sister put on her beaded necklace on Allie. Allie is into all kinds of necklaces and toys. She loves to chew on things!

She has my sunglasses on! The faces that she makes are so cute! Allie happy birthday to you tomorrow baby! Aunt Sarah loves you very much and I always will. You are growing up so fast baby girl!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Raelyn's birthday party.

Raelyn's awesome birthday cake! I can't believe that she is 9 years old now! She is growing up on me. I can remember her as a tiny baby and holding her in my arms and me being so happy that I got a niece. She is such a beautiful young lady and I love her very much! She is going with my brother John to FL on Monday. They will be driving 15 hours. I hope they both have fun! Wish I could go.
Nannaw and Pappaw having fun in the shade. Swimming today was so much fun! I went down the yellow slide I don't know how many times and the blue slide was fun to. I got my dad to go on the slides and it was hilarious seeing him go down both of them. On the blue slide my dad got stuck because he wasn't going so fast. He got used to it after awhile. It was also funny seeing him go down the yellow slide. That slide is so much fun! My dad is scared of heights but I'm proud of him. My mom also went down the blue slide because Nannaw was pressuring her and she did great!
Raelyn got a lot of money and so many presents! She got this really cute outfit that matched! She got a lot of cards to! I could tell she was having a blast!

Raelyn reading us the cards that she got. So glad that everyone showed up for her party!
I'm having an absolute blast! Swimming was so much fun! I love spending time with family and friends!
BB was staring at something I'm not sure what but this makes for a good Facebook picture. BB is so much fun! He is retired from the Marines and works somewhere. He plays softball with my brother and he is good!
My silly brother loves to pose for the camera! He is getting ready for FL.

Raelyn and her friends and her little brother Miles all having a great time! I'm glad that I went! Thank you Raelyn for inviting me sweetie! Your Aunt Ra Ra had a great time! You are such a beautiful young lady! Have fun in FL!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Just a girls night.

The chicken was really good although I didn't have any because I had chicken for dinner at my house but my friend Amanda brought the chicken and everyone seemed to like it. The flavors were spicy and mild.
Butter for the rolls that were delicious.
The famous rolls that my friend Liz made.
Hamburger helper that had cheese in it. It was so good! I love hamburger helper. Its so easy to make and its my favorite meal.
The mashed potatoes. I didn't have any of those either but from the picture it looked good!
My friend Liz is a baker and boy can she bake! She made this famous German Cake made out of brownies and they were good. She also made a German cake as well that's my favorite to!

Yummy cupcakes that hardly anyone ate but good for decoration.
The famous German Cake! Only two people showed up. My friend Amanda and I and Liz and her husband Jorge. We all had fun! We were playing Guitar Hero and just goofing around and having fun! I always enjoy hanging out with old high school buddies!
My friend Liz and I posing for the camera.
Liz is such a beautiful person. She is such a sweetheart and I love her beautiful home! Its the Henry Clay building in Louisville. We watched the Proposal which was funny and watched half of Accidental Husband because it was stupid so we decided to play some Guitar Hero. Amanda, Liz and Jorge are better at playing Guitar Hero than I am but I still had a blast. The first game my score was 81. Then the second game my score was 89. So proud of myself!
Good ol' buddies. Amanda, Liz and I having such a good time!

Jorge has no idea that I took a pic of him but I wanted to do it to be funny. He had a long hard day at work and didn't get much sleep before going to work today. He likes hanging out with us girls. He also likes chick flicks. He says that he always cries when he watches a sad movie. I do to. He was pretending to cry when we watched the Proposal. It was funny!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th Of July Celebration!

My best friend Callie and I having a great time! Callie and her husband invited me over to their house for dinner and to watch the fireworks. We were going to go to the waterfront but Todd's mom wasn't feeling well so we just watched the fireworks from their house. We also lit some sparklers. Those are my favorite!
I was trying to get a close up from far away but you can't see anything because its dark. I guess its hard to get a close up on your camera at night.
This was cool! A firework that spins around on the ground and changes color. I was scared together because I'm not a Pyromaniac but it was fun watching Todd's brothers and sisters having fun. Todd's mom Tracy was scared of the sparklers and the kids were teasing her and I felt bad for her but she seemed to have a good time nonetheless.
Look at the pretty view outside! God's beautiful creation!
I'm having a great time as you can tell! What a great day and the food was awesome! I thank God for our freedom that we have in America! Thanks to all who fought for this country! Thanks to Jesus who also fought for our freedom! He took such a cruel beating for us and that is something that means a lot to me that we can have the freedom to worship God and not get persecuted for it.

This is Todd's mom Tracy and sisters Bridgett and Hannah. They are so cute!
Elizabeth, Michael, Josh and Chelsea having such a great time with the fireworks. They are such a great family and I always enjoy spending time with them. They are all so much fun!