Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My siblings and I

I just love looking at old pictures in particular looking at pics from when I was little. This picture is just such a great picture. It just makes me think about when we were all together in one house and now I look back and I miss my brothers and my sister. My sister Ashley has just moved out today to live with my 2nd oldest brother Larry. I'm the only one that's still at the house until I get married next year.

I'm still close with my brothers but my sister and I weren't as close as we used to be. Now that we have gotten older we have went our separate ways and it makes me sad because I love my sister and I miss being her friend. I hope that one day her and I become the best of friends.

Gosh I can't believe how fast time goes. This picture was taken in 1994. We all are adults now and we all live our lives and have different kinds of interests and likes. But one thing is for sure that we will always have each other. I pray for my siblings everyday and I pray that they would all one day rededicate their lives to the Lord.

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