Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, July 19, 2010

Allie Girl!

My sister Ashley and Allie! Had such a fun time with Allie Girl today! Went with my brother Larry and my sister Ashley to go pick Allie up in Salem. It was a fun drive. Allie does all kinds of cute faces! She is talking so good! Her 1st birthday is tomorrow! She is growing up so fast! Haven't seen Allie in a long time and it was great hanging out with her today!
Such a cute pose! Allie just playing with toys and dancing! It was so cute! :)
Allie has started pointing at things, and its so cute! She is so smart because when someone asks how old she will be, she puts the #1 up and she is so precious!
Allie and I having a great time in the car! She was talking and playing with all kinds of toys and saying Daddy.

Allie is into clapping her hands. She claps at everything and just smiles so bright. Allie is so precious!
Such a cute pose with cute faces!
This is my favorite pic of Allie. She is such a beautiful baby and I'm so glad that God has put such a precious thing in my life!
My sister put on her beaded necklace on Allie. Allie is into all kinds of necklaces and toys. She loves to chew on things!

She has my sunglasses on! The faces that she makes are so cute! Allie happy birthday to you tomorrow baby! Aunt Sarah loves you very much and I always will. You are growing up so fast baby girl!

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