Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th Of July Celebration!

My best friend Callie and I having a great time! Callie and her husband invited me over to their house for dinner and to watch the fireworks. We were going to go to the waterfront but Todd's mom wasn't feeling well so we just watched the fireworks from their house. We also lit some sparklers. Those are my favorite!
I was trying to get a close up from far away but you can't see anything because its dark. I guess its hard to get a close up on your camera at night.
This was cool! A firework that spins around on the ground and changes color. I was scared together because I'm not a Pyromaniac but it was fun watching Todd's brothers and sisters having fun. Todd's mom Tracy was scared of the sparklers and the kids were teasing her and I felt bad for her but she seemed to have a good time nonetheless.
Look at the pretty view outside! God's beautiful creation!
I'm having a great time as you can tell! What a great day and the food was awesome! I thank God for our freedom that we have in America! Thanks to all who fought for this country! Thanks to Jesus who also fought for our freedom! He took such a cruel beating for us and that is something that means a lot to me that we can have the freedom to worship God and not get persecuted for it.

This is Todd's mom Tracy and sisters Bridgett and Hannah. They are so cute!
Elizabeth, Michael, Josh and Chelsea having such a great time with the fireworks. They are such a great family and I always enjoy spending time with them. They are all so much fun!

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