Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My 22nd birthday-October 3,2011

Love this one of Allie and I! She is so beautiful and I was glad that she was able to celebrate my birthday with me.
Birthday gift from my parents! Thank you! I love it!
Blew out my candles. My mom did a great job of making the cupcakes for me.
Happy birthday to me! :)
Strawberry and chocolate cupcakes made by my lovely mom!
Callie, Larry and Allie at Steak n shake.
Andrew, Callie and I having a blast!
My BFF and I! Love her!
Love this one of me. I had such a blast on my birthday and the people that were there to celebrate with me. It was a special day for me! :)

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