Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Been so long

The SHCC cross.
Pastor TC Baker. He is such a great pastor and is so on fire for God!
Safe Harbor Christian Church

It has been a long time since I last posted. So sorry. I've had a lot of homework and now I have a final in Math on Thursday and also my last day of school is on Thursday! Can't wait to be off for the summer and go to Ohio to see my aunt, uncle and cousins and I look forward to spending some time with my aunt also who lives in Henryville.

So much as happened to me. I have changed churches. I now go to Safe Harbor Christian church. Its a long story why I don't go to Rolling Fields anymore. I don't want to discuss it on my blog. I became a member last Sunday and I love it! Our pastor's name is TC Baker and he is so on fire for God! Everybody at this church is so welcoming and loving. My parents go there and my aunt also goes there as well. I know I'm going to grow at Safe Harbor and I love the people!

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