Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Summer Lovin

had me a blast. Summer lovin happened so fast. I love Grease! Anyways, enjoying my spring/summer. I went to my aunt's house last Wednesday and spent the night with her. On Thursday here's all we did: up, ate coffee, had breakfast and went to Sammy's Awards ceremony. home,changed, went outside in the yard and helped my aunt Margie plant flowers while chasing her dog Pugley.
3.getting attacked by flies that bite.:( but the good thing was that I didn't bit but it was close because they were trying to go into my ear.
4.after we planted flowers, my aunt made some supper. It was chicken and rice and it was so good! We also had mixed vegetables and sweet n' sour on the top of my rice and chicken!
5.had to be at praise band practice at 6:30.
6.did an audition for Sean the worship leader and he said that I did good but he said that I'am a back up singer. He doesn't want me doing any solos right now and I'm fine with that!
7.i'm going to be singing at church tomorrow so hopefully I do okay, that is if Kathy comes to practice. She didn't sing, she just stood there at practice last Thursday and so they told me to just come to practice tomorrow morning.

As you can see, I'm having a wonderful summer. And one more thing I forgot to tell you, I quit my job because I was tired of being mistreated and taken advantage of. I know that the Lord will bless me and I'm putting this in His hands. I applied for this job that my mom and I saw in the paper. Its for a receptionist/bookkeeper. I hope that I get it!

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