Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Matt's birthday party

We played some Guitar Hero. It was so much fun! The more that I play it, the better at it I get. On several of the songs my score was 97% and then on the last song we did I scored a 99% on the guitar. I also sang vocals and some of the songs I knew but most of them I didn't know. Anyways, I get a 85% on the vocals. Not to bad I suppose.
Some great oven baked pizza! I had 2 pieces of pepperoni because its my favorite kind of pizza. We also had Coke for drinks. The party was really fun and I'm glad that I came to celebrate my friend's birthday!
The German Chocolate cake was really good! This is now my favorite cake of all time. My friend Liz can make it homemade and its really good! Leah, (Matt's Girlfriend) told me that she wanted to make him a homemade cake with a guitar design but she didn't have time. The cake was still good!

Matt and Leah having such a great time. Happy birthday Matt! Glad you had fun!
Me having so much fun as you can tell. Neena the cat is in her favorite spot that she likes to lay and sleep at.

Neena, the Cat. They also have a boy cat named Riley. Neena and Riley were fighting each other and playing with each other. It was so cute! I'm glad that I came to the amazing party and played Guitar Hero! :)

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