Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Friday, February 26, 2010

Random pics of me.

I know what your thinking, Why are you taking pics of yourself? The answer to that question is simple, I was bored. My parents were in Meijer that night and I didn't want to go inside. There are many times that I don't want like going in to stores, especially when I'm tired and my feet hurt.
This pic is an IDK expression. I don't know what I was thinking but I thought it was fun and cute. Many times when I'm bored I take pics of myself or of somethings like birds, buildings, random things like that. These pics that I take are from my phone. My Nokia is awesome!
I'm just a smily person. I always have been that way. Even on my worst day I always seem to crack a smile! :)
Since I like this pic so much I put this on my profile on Facebook.
Me with my hair up. My fiancee says that I look more professional with my hair up.
AS I said, BORED!
These are as random as they get. I have been so busy with homework and work that I haven't had time to take pics or go anywhere for that matter. I'm a busy girl but I manage my time the best way I can.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Daniel's Baptism

Pastor Phil baptizing Daniel his son.
Pastor Phil is so excited. I remember when Phil and Laura told me the story about how he gave his life to Jesus. They said that Laura was having daily devotions with Daniel and Jonathan one night and Daniel was very interested in becoming a Christian. Its such a great story. Phil's parents came down from TN to see Daniel get baptized. Daniel is only 6 years old. I'm very proud of Daniel!
Daniel is super excited!
I know this is the same pic but I wanted to make sure this pic was on here.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tina's Baptism

Pastor Phil Barnes baptizing Tina. She was so excited! I saw her that day and she was just so excited to get baptized. Tina is such a sweet person and she is my friend. I constantly pray for her and her family. We all at Rolling Fields are very proud of her!

Pastor Phil and Laura Barnes baptizing Tina together. It was just so amazing how they both baptize her. The service was awesome! I was singing in the worship band this day. After Pastor Andy got done preaching, Tina went upstairs to get changed and get ready to get baptized. I love it when people give their lives to Christ and get baptized. Baptism does not save a person however. It is just a symbol saying that a person has given their life to Christ and they want to get baptized in front of the whole congregation. Its beautiful!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Making breakfast on Saturday morning.

Scrambled egg mix that I mixed up but I was in a hurry so I couldn't take a pic of the finished product.
Potatoes, Onions and Peppers that I didn't eat because I don't like that stuff but I wanted to make it for everyone else. Me and my uncle Alvin was making breakfast for everyone on Saturday. We got up at 8:00am on Saturday morning and went to Olde Town to get the stuff. I had to be at work at 11am so he helped me make breakfast. While I was getting changed he did the rest.
The Steak that is great! I dipped my steak that was on my plate in BBQ sauce. The Steak was like I think $10 but I'm not sure how it was because I wasn't really paying attention. The end product was awesome and it was a great breakfast!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hanging out with Allie!

Allie loves Sweet Potatoes!
Allie is like Aunt Ra Ra give me some space while I eat. Alllie didn't want her pic taken.
Allie is so cute with food in her mouth!
Allie didn't want to be cleaned up. She had a fit when we tired to clean her off.
Allie being a big girl!
Allie is ready for more food!
Allie looks just like my brother! She is so beautiful!

Last Tuesday I was surprise at my school. My mom had brought Allie to my school. When Allie looked at me she gave me the biggest smile and just held my finger. I was really surprised that Ruthie (Allie's mom) would let my mom take Allie to school but she was at work and so my parents took Allie. Allie had a great time. She loves being in the car and listening to music. While in the car she was singing a song and she said "Da Da". She was singing about her dad. It was so cute. I'm glad that I got to spend sometime with Allie! Its always a blast!

Monday, February 15, 2010

6 more inches of snow.

I looked outside of my window and I saw 6 more inches of snow!

I couldn't go to work this morning because we were on a State of Emergency meaning that if anybody was on the road for any reason they would get a ticket. It was so dangerous that I told my dad that I'm going to stay home because I don't want anybody to get hurt. I also don't have any school today! I got a text on my phone saying no school because of inclement weather. I wish McDonald's was smart enough to close because its so dangerous outside. Oh well. I have a lot of stuff to do today anyways so I'm cool with that.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

This kiss is for Ben. Happy Valentine's Day baby!
My handsome Airman!

Happy Valentine's Day to everybody. I hope to have a good day. I miss Ben very much and I wish him a Happy Valentine's Day! I wish he was with me. This is the 2nd Valentine's Day that we have been apart, but I know that we will have many Valentine's Day's together. I'm very proud of him but miss him at the same time. Baby I love you so much! I hope you have a good day my love. I hope you get my card baby.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Waiting for my dad to pick me up from school.

Me waiting for my dad to come get me from school. I was bored so I took some pictures.
School parking lot when it snows.
The sun was beaming from the inside.
It was so cold that day. I was seating in front of the heater while waiting on my dad.
My beautiful engagement ring!
As I said, I was bored out of my mind.
This is my school!
Soooo many birds.
I'm amazed at how they all stick together.
Making a cool V shape.

This day was one day that was boring. I was sitting at school for 2 hours waiting on my dad to come pick me up. It wasn't to bad but I couldn't find things to do. My dad had to take my brother Larry places and so that's why he was late. I was bored so I started taking pictures. This was also the day which was yesterday that I did horrible on my math quiz. I don't know why I did so poorly but I did the best I could. I also took a math test that day. I hope that I past. I don't really do well on tests even if I know the material. The homework isn't really hard but takes forever to do it. Anyways, this day was pretty boring so I took these pictures.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bad day

I had a really bad day today. Starting off at work I had no help at all. The managers were in the office the whole time and I had a line out front. I was dropping fries, taking orders and getting orders at the same time and it was hard and it made my body hurt. I got really stressed out and i had to do everybody's job that they didn't do. I'm getting sick of it. Had a snow day again today but I still had to work. ERRRR! Then on top of my bad day the dress that I liked I thought was on sale for like $223 but I that price was for the down payment that I would have to pay. The total is $600. Very disappointing. I don't want Ben spending that much on my dress. I hope to find one. I'm not going to give up though. Then on top of that my brother Larry and his girlfriend Ruthie are breaking up and she is taking Sweet Allie away from us. She doesn't really like my family. I don't know why but whatever. I'm so sad because I love Allie so much and she has gotten attached to me. I hope I get to see her again. Its the fact that Ruthie is going back to her hometown of Salem and leaving Larry here. I was hoping to spend as much time with her as possible before Ben and I got married, but Ruthie is making me sad because we haven't did anything to her and she is keeping Allie from us. Please pray for me and my family and pray for me in school, with wedding plans and me trying to find a new job.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My wedding dress.

The bottom of my dress.
This is my dress! Its my favorite! I haven't bought it yet.
Me with my veil on. This dress is more me!
First dress I tried on. Didn't like it because of the straps.
The dress that I picked out and that I love!
2nd dress I looked at didn't like it because it showed my boobs.

I have found the perfect dress for me. I know when Ben sees me in it he will cry. And his eyes will be really big when he sees me walk down the aisle. I love this dress. I didn't want to take it off but I had to. This is my dream dress! I can't wait to be married to Ben!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Its February!

Wow I can't believe that today is the 1st. Time has gone by so fast. I love February! Anyways, I have been working really hard with school. I had to stay after school tonight to finish my Keyboarding assignments. I'm almost done! I'm almost done with my Math homework to. Its really not that bad. I just try to manage my time the best way I can. My friend Tina told me today that the reception place of where Ben and I want to have our reception at has a military discount! The place is called American Legion. Its an organization for Veterans, anyone in the military. They are paying for our DJ, but I still need to talk to Ben about that because we want our friend Ron Powers to be our DJ. No decisions have been made. As you can see I have a lot of things on my mind but I keep busy during the day with planning, homework, school, and work. I make sure to keep myself busy. I need to go to David's Bridal and see what kind of sales they want. I heard that there are dresses at David's Bridal that cost only $99.00 I'm excited! I've been thinking of places like the bakery downtown that makes only wedding cakes, my dress, bridesmaids dresses, shoes, decorations, food most of all. Ben and I are really excited of how great our planning is working out!