Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hanging out with Allie!

Allie loves Sweet Potatoes!
Allie is like Aunt Ra Ra give me some space while I eat. Alllie didn't want her pic taken.
Allie is so cute with food in her mouth!
Allie didn't want to be cleaned up. She had a fit when we tired to clean her off.
Allie being a big girl!
Allie is ready for more food!
Allie looks just like my brother! She is so beautiful!

Last Tuesday I was surprise at my school. My mom had brought Allie to my school. When Allie looked at me she gave me the biggest smile and just held my finger. I was really surprised that Ruthie (Allie's mom) would let my mom take Allie to school but she was at work and so my parents took Allie. Allie had a great time. She loves being in the car and listening to music. While in the car she was singing a song and she said "Da Da". She was singing about her dad. It was so cute. I'm glad that I got to spend sometime with Allie! Its always a blast!

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