Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Friday, February 12, 2010

Waiting for my dad to pick me up from school.

Me waiting for my dad to come get me from school. I was bored so I took some pictures.
School parking lot when it snows.
The sun was beaming from the inside.
It was so cold that day. I was seating in front of the heater while waiting on my dad.
My beautiful engagement ring!
As I said, I was bored out of my mind.
This is my school!
Soooo many birds.
I'm amazed at how they all stick together.
Making a cool V shape.

This day was one day that was boring. I was sitting at school for 2 hours waiting on my dad to come pick me up. It wasn't to bad but I couldn't find things to do. My dad had to take my brother Larry places and so that's why he was late. I was bored so I started taking pictures. This was also the day which was yesterday that I did horrible on my math quiz. I don't know why I did so poorly but I did the best I could. I also took a math test that day. I hope that I past. I don't really do well on tests even if I know the material. The homework isn't really hard but takes forever to do it. Anyways, this day was pretty boring so I took these pictures.

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