Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Friday, February 26, 2010

Random pics of me.

I know what your thinking, Why are you taking pics of yourself? The answer to that question is simple, I was bored. My parents were in Meijer that night and I didn't want to go inside. There are many times that I don't want like going in to stores, especially when I'm tired and my feet hurt.
This pic is an IDK expression. I don't know what I was thinking but I thought it was fun and cute. Many times when I'm bored I take pics of myself or of somethings like birds, buildings, random things like that. These pics that I take are from my phone. My Nokia is awesome!
I'm just a smily person. I always have been that way. Even on my worst day I always seem to crack a smile! :)
Since I like this pic so much I put this on my profile on Facebook.
Me with my hair up. My fiancee says that I look more professional with my hair up.
AS I said, BORED!
These are as random as they get. I have been so busy with homework and work that I haven't had time to take pics or go anywhere for that matter. I'm a busy girl but I manage my time the best way I can.

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