Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bad day

I had a really bad day today. Starting off at work I had no help at all. The managers were in the office the whole time and I had a line out front. I was dropping fries, taking orders and getting orders at the same time and it was hard and it made my body hurt. I got really stressed out and i had to do everybody's job that they didn't do. I'm getting sick of it. Had a snow day again today but I still had to work. ERRRR! Then on top of my bad day the dress that I liked I thought was on sale for like $223 but I that price was for the down payment that I would have to pay. The total is $600. Very disappointing. I don't want Ben spending that much on my dress. I hope to find one. I'm not going to give up though. Then on top of that my brother Larry and his girlfriend Ruthie are breaking up and she is taking Sweet Allie away from us. She doesn't really like my family. I don't know why but whatever. I'm so sad because I love Allie so much and she has gotten attached to me. I hope I get to see her again. Its the fact that Ruthie is going back to her hometown of Salem and leaving Larry here. I was hoping to spend as much time with her as possible before Ben and I got married, but Ruthie is making me sad because we haven't did anything to her and she is keeping Allie from us. Please pray for me and my family and pray for me in school, with wedding plans and me trying to find a new job.

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