Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Keith's 1st birthday party.

Mike has on a Dora the Explorer birthday hat on! He knows how to speak Spanish to.
Me and Keith having fun at his birthday party.
Keith is a little blurry because he was moving.
Keith is crying because he wants his cupcake.
Keith doesn't want his hat on.
Katie, Keith's mom is lighting the candle.
Keith stuck his whole hand in his cupacake and stuck it in his mouth.
Keith and Mommy blowing out the candle.
Keith is ready to eat his cupcake.
Karis making a funny look on her face. I can tell she is having fun!
Jonathan is having a great time and loves Pizza Hut!
Declan with a serious look on his face.
Cupcake that Katie made! They were delicious!
Brennan trying to smile while having something in his mouth.
Brennan and Keith having a great time eating Pizza!
Austin and his dad having a fun time. Aaron thought it was funny that he had on the party hat!
Amy enjoying herself with a cute party hat on!
Aidan is to busy playing with toys rather than having his picture taken.

Sweet Keith,
I hope you had a great day at your birthday party sweetheart! You are such a smiling boy and just so adorable. You are a sweet boy and I can't believe that you are 1 years old! I enjoyed my time at the party! I love you sweet boy! We all love you and we are so blessed that you came into the world. The Lord is good!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Old photos of 2008 & 2009& some of 2010.

Me with Ben's brother Evan's glasses on. I thought it would be funny if I put them on.
My fiancee's favorite pic of me!
This was in 2008. We were having a Thanksgiving dinner at church.
This was in 2010 at Wednesday Night Church waiting on the students to show up.
I was in the mood to pose for the camera.
Me and my friend Amanda at Wednesday Night Church.
I love this pic of myself!
Karis thought it would be fun to put on my heels. I think she looks so cute in them!
Karis, Me and JD in Nursery one Sunday morning.
JD has great poses!
JD and Karis wanted to color in Nursery so I let them go at it.
My fiancee took this pic of me when he came home from tech school last fall. I thought it would be funny if I put it up here.
Me being my usual self. Smily!

I'm sorry I don't have any new pics up here. Between the weather, school, and my job it gets pretty hectic. I haven't been out in such a long time. I've been stuck in this house and haven't really did anything fun or went anywhere fun but I will soon.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

This is a saying that my mom always says to me.
My Fiancee says that I look like a secretary in these glasses.
Me being sick and having to stay home. Boo!

Another pic of me after reading my bible.

I know that I haven't been putting any recent photos up but these I thought would be good for right now. School, work and wedding plans are all what has been on my mind. I haven't been out much because of homework and I'm putting that as my main focus. I always put God first in everything. I have been a slacker because I haven't read my bible in along time. God I hope you can give me a set time that I can do bible study. I love your word Lord and I want to study it and meditate on it everyday. Amen.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Waiting while my dad is in the store.

Me with my shades on waiting for my dad to come out of the store.
It may look like I'm driving on the highway but I'm not. I'm just taking pics while my dad is in the store.

As you can tell I love taking pics of almost anything. I'm very photogenic. My Fiancee always thinks its funny how I take a lot of pics of myself or just random stuff. He knows me and loves me anyways!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Random McDonald's pictures.

Waiting on my dad to come pick me up.
Being bored on third shift.
So tired!
So happy to be off!
Getting ready for work on third shift. Drag!
Being bored at work. Trying to find things to do while waiting on my dad.

These are pics from back when I worked on third shift. IT was a drag because I would be up half of the night and sleeping during the day. It was really great getting stock done but it was so slow. As much as I don't like my job I try to do the best job i can do.

Monday, January 18, 2010

November 2009- My sister Ashley's birthday and my pappaw's b-day party!

The apple pie that I made for my pappaw on his birthday.
Outback Steakhouse is where we ate for Ashley's 18th birthday party.
My papaw sleeping. Awaiting to taste the delicious pie.
Me and my papaw before I go to the store to get the ingredients for the pie.
All celebrating Ashley's birthday!
Me about to get ready to make the apple pie.
Me and my papaw waiting for me to stop taking pictures and make the pie.

These are all old pictures from last November. I just found these in my phone and thought I should put these up. As you can see, we all had a great time. Everyone loved my apple pie that I made. It was hard but I found out that I love baking. It helped me learn that I need to read the directions step by step. I love cooking and I hope to be a great cook one day for my fiancée Ben.