Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Declan's 1st birthday!

Yummy chocolate cupcakes that Ashley made!
Singing Happy Birthday to Declan!
My plate full of goodies!
Me with my winter hat on!
Declan got a taste of his cake.
Declan about to blow out his candle.

Declan is making a mess with his cake.
Design made by Ashley Backherms.
Declan's birthday boy bib.
Declan striking a pose.
Declan looking down at the table ready to eat.
Declan is looking at something.
I can't believe that Declan is 1 and can stand and walk by himself.
Declan is reaching for his cake.
Declan is checking out the frosting.
Declan is so excited its his birthday.
I don't think Declan likes this piece.
Declan getting ready to dig into his cake.
About to light the candle.
Mommy and Declan.
Cake made by Ashley Backeherms.
Lighting the candle for Declan.
Aaron smashing cake into Declan's mouth.

Happy birthday Declan! His actual birthday isn't until Tuesday but Aaron and Ashley both wanted to celebrate his birthday party today! It was so much fun! All these babies growing up so fast.

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