Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Thursday, January 28, 2010

This is a saying that my mom always says to me.
My Fiancee says that I look like a secretary in these glasses.
Me being sick and having to stay home. Boo!

Another pic of me after reading my bible.

I know that I haven't been putting any recent photos up but these I thought would be good for right now. School, work and wedding plans are all what has been on my mind. I haven't been out much because of homework and I'm putting that as my main focus. I always put God first in everything. I have been a slacker because I haven't read my bible in along time. God I hope you can give me a set time that I can do bible study. I love your word Lord and I want to study it and meditate on it everyday. Amen.

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