Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Friday, January 29, 2010

Old photos of 2008 & 2009& some of 2010.

Me with Ben's brother Evan's glasses on. I thought it would be funny if I put them on.
My fiancee's favorite pic of me!
This was in 2008. We were having a Thanksgiving dinner at church.
This was in 2010 at Wednesday Night Church waiting on the students to show up.
I was in the mood to pose for the camera.
Me and my friend Amanda at Wednesday Night Church.
I love this pic of myself!
Karis thought it would be fun to put on my heels. I think she looks so cute in them!
Karis, Me and JD in Nursery one Sunday morning.
JD has great poses!
JD and Karis wanted to color in Nursery so I let them go at it.
My fiancee took this pic of me when he came home from tech school last fall. I thought it would be funny if I put it up here.
Me being my usual self. Smily!

I'm sorry I don't have any new pics up here. Between the weather, school, and my job it gets pretty hectic. I haven't been out in such a long time. I've been stuck in this house and haven't really did anything fun or went anywhere fun but I will soon.

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