Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, January 18, 2010

November 2009- My sister Ashley's birthday and my pappaw's b-day party!

The apple pie that I made for my pappaw on his birthday.
Outback Steakhouse is where we ate for Ashley's 18th birthday party.
My papaw sleeping. Awaiting to taste the delicious pie.
Me and my papaw before I go to the store to get the ingredients for the pie.
All celebrating Ashley's birthday!
Me about to get ready to make the apple pie.
Me and my papaw waiting for me to stop taking pictures and make the pie.

These are all old pictures from last November. I just found these in my phone and thought I should put these up. As you can see, we all had a great time. Everyone loved my apple pie that I made. It was hard but I found out that I love baking. It helped me learn that I need to read the directions step by step. I love cooking and I hope to be a great cook one day for my fiancée Ben.

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