Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Italian Festival in Cincinnatti, OH

Right after we were done in the Newport Aquarium we went outside and was hungry and we saw that there was an Italian Festival going on. The food was really good. My aunt Deana and I had Chicken Alfredo which was good. My parents had spaghetti and meatballs and had this big sausage. There was also Italian music. The whole festival was fun!
This site is Cincinnati, OH. What a wonderful view. Also across the way was the Reds stadium. My dad loves the Reds and wants to go see a Reds game one day.

I had a wonderful time in Ohio. I miss it very much! I miss the Skyline Chilli, my relatives, the fun that I had, Zoey the dog and Levy the cat. I want to bring Ben here to visit one day. I'm sure he will have fun!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Newport Aquarium Part 2

These penguins were so cute! Penguins are my favorite animal!
These lights are so cool because they are made like a jellyfish. Jellyfish are so beautiful! I really did enjoy the jellyfish. My aunt Deana loves Jellyfish that she took me to her house and showed me the jellyfish lamp I think it was that she got. It glowed in the dark! It was so cool!

This part was cool because all the jellyfish are together in one big glass tank. Its just so amazing to see.
This was cool because this was in the frog museum. There was a little girl on one of the frogs and I just had to take a picture of it because its so cool how there are so many kinds of frogs.

My aunt Deana and I having fun putting our heads in this igloo looking thing. You can't hardly see my face because I'm so short and my aunt is so tall.
This is a snake and I don't like snakes but I thought it was cool because look on the size of that thing.
Cute turtle. It was hiding but I found him.

This shark looking thing was moving so fast that it messed up the picture.
This is my fave because I'm pink!

Look at these gold fish. Aren't they just so adorable!
The Silver fish, I love the color on this fish. Its so cute!

Sting rays aren't really that scary when your taking there picture but when you actually touch one its scary. I didn't really touch it I think the last time I was here which was 10 years ago I touched it and it really wasn't all that bad. These sting rays are trained by professionals and they don't mess with you if you don't mess with them.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Newport Aquarium part 1

I took so many pictures so I'm going to put them in 2 parts. I really enjoyed going back to the Newport Aquarium. I went 10 years ago with my sister. Gosh how time flies! It was so awesome! This at the top is a sting ray. This animal is really dangerous and I didn't want to touch it.
They had fish galore at the Aquarium. I like how there are on kinds of different types of fish. The colors, shape, and size is beautiful!
My mom and dad really enjoying themselves.
My dad and I having a blast!
Crab fish. These creatures are interesting but you wouldn't want to put your hand in there tank or you wouldn't have any fingers. That's why I'm thankful that they are in a glass tank.
I think this is a frog but I'm not sure. I can't tell from the picture.

Silver fish. It was so cool!

My dad's fireproof shirt.

My dad and I again. His shirt is wet because it was rainy hard outside.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Cincinnatti Zoo

As you can tell I had a blast in Ohio! Ohio is such a pretty state! I really didn't want to leave but I had things to take care of at home. I loved the Zoo although it was smelly. I had to hold my nose because the poo smell was really strong but I had fun with my cousin Tara and my uncle Jimmy. We had this soft serve ice cream and it was yummy! It was so hot and worth it. We went on the train and it was a waste. It really didn't take us to anything exciting. For lunch we had pizza. I forget what the name of it was called but it was good!
This lion was so funny. It looks like he is sleeping with his butt in the air. He was sleeping before people started coming. Its amazing how they sleep.
I took this pic because I thought it was interesting. If I see something interesting I take a picture of it. The Manatee Area was cool. I couldn't take pictures in there because it said no flash photos.
This Rhino was really cool. This part really stunk the worst but I was just to bear with it.
This is the polar bear's home as you can say. I love polar bears. I think they are so cute!
You can barely see him but this polar bear is under water. He was moving so fast that I couldn't get a good picture of him.

I love penguins! This part was one of my favorites!
This is a purple bird. I love the colors on this bird. Purple is my favorite color.

The monkey's were so cool! They were hollering at each other and playing with each other. It was so cute and it reminded me of my siblings and I and how sometimes we fight and like to play games with each other.

I'm weird I know but I thought it was cool and I was bored.
Me waiting outside for my cousin Tara and my uncle Jimmy.
The giraffe's were cool to! I love how tall they are.

The elephants were cool to. Stinky but it was great seeing all these animals. At the end of the time we were there my hip started hurting. My uncle said that I have 20 year old itis.