Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My new haircut/ just got up in the morning

I just got done talking to Ben and I just woke up to because as you can tell my hair is messed up. Everytime I get up, my hair is so messy. I thinks that because I roll around in my sleep. Anyways, I had a good conversation with my man! I always enjoy talking to him whether on the phone or on Skype. Just seeing his face and hearing his voice makes me feel safe and I feel like he's here with me. I look forward to seeing him again!
I got my hair cut again. I wanted to do it because it was getting long. After the summer is over I will grow my hair out because I want to grow my hair out for the wedding and have my hair look nice for Ben on our wedding day! I love life and I like my new haircut. I'm so blessed! God is good!

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