Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Newport Aquarium part 1

I took so many pictures so I'm going to put them in 2 parts. I really enjoyed going back to the Newport Aquarium. I went 10 years ago with my sister. Gosh how time flies! It was so awesome! This at the top is a sting ray. This animal is really dangerous and I didn't want to touch it.
They had fish galore at the Aquarium. I like how there are on kinds of different types of fish. The colors, shape, and size is beautiful!
My mom and dad really enjoying themselves.
My dad and I having a blast!
Crab fish. These creatures are interesting but you wouldn't want to put your hand in there tank or you wouldn't have any fingers. That's why I'm thankful that they are in a glass tank.
I think this is a frog but I'm not sure. I can't tell from the picture.

Silver fish. It was so cool!

My dad's fireproof shirt.

My dad and I again. His shirt is wet because it was rainy hard outside.

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