Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy June/ Old pics

I found these pics and thought that I would upload these on here. This is Ben's hat that he gave me when he was shipping out to Basic Training. I do wear it from time to time because its good memories and I love wearing it!
My handsome man sent me this pic of him after he got back from PT in Tech School. I just thought it was cute and he looks so handsome and tired but he works hard at everything he does!
Me and my beloved at the Science and Space Museum in Washington D.C. Good times! We are so cute!

Oh my goodness I can't believe that its almost summer. Its so hot outside! Getting ready to go see my aunt Deana and my uncle Jimmy and my cousins in Cincinnati, OH. I look forward to seeing them all. I miss them all so much. I will take pics soon of my trip. I leave next Friday and come back on the 18th. I'm so excited! Anyways so much stuff has been happening. I got my hair cut again because its so hot outside and I don't like to keep on putting my hair up but I promise after the summer is gone for the year I will grow it out again because Ben likes my hair long and I want my hair to be long for the wedding so that I can have it put up and look nice. I will put pics up as soon as I get a Multimedia update from my email. It takes so long.

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