Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mosquito Bites

Yesterday while my mom was trying to study, I was on the family computer. All of a sudden I was itching really badly. I looked down and saw these big bites on my legs. I had 2 bites on my foot, small bites on top of my leg and 1 bite on my ankle. Don't know why they bit me. I guess they like my legs. My mom told me to put some medicated powder on it and it worked. I stopped itching. Which is good!
Close up. I put medicated powder on my leg. That's what that white stuff is. So glad that I'm not itching! These boogers are sneaky.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Jones' house

Callie and I having a great time in Bardstown Rd with her friend Hope Mortberg. It was fun but so hot! Can't wait til the fall because this hot is to much for me.
Having lunch at Quodoba's Mexican Grill. I felt bad because I didn't have any money to eat but Hope was nice enough to give me some of her burrito which was good! We went to all these stores and we looked around and walked in the hot sun. Didn't like it at all.
The bed that Callie and I stayed in. It was so comfortable! The Jones' house is beautiful and there dog Harley is cute to! They will be back in town tomorrow afternoon. I know Harley is excited!
Inside the shower. It was a good looking shower.

This was a fancy shower and bathroom because all of the stuff in here looks like stuff from the 1800s but it was so classy and beautiful!
I love the sink because I love the design and the fancy handles.

There are 3 bedrooms including Betty and Jim's master bedroom. This bed looks so cute!

The 2nd bed which looks really comfortable.
The dining room.
The fancy fireplace.
Outside patio. It looks so gorgeous! They have a pool and a hot tub.
Harley's chair that he always looks out at. When Callie and I were leaving Harley wasn't happy at all. He was barking at us the whole time and was putting his paws on my legs begging me to stay. I almost started crying because he wanted to go with us but he couldn't go. :(

Betty and Jim's house is like a beautiful Log cabin. I loved the house inside and out!

Isn't Harley just adorable! My fiancee Ben thinks he's ugly because he's a small dog but I think he's so cute! :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Harley the Yorkie

My best friend Callie called me up yesterday and asked me to go and spend the night with her because she was house sitting for this couple at her church and they will be gone for a week. So I came over and spent the night with her and it was fun! I met my new friend Harley. He is so adorable! The Jones' house is beautiful. Its like a Log Cabin. I didn't want to leave because I had a great time!
The sun was beaming and shining so brightly. And I was trying to get a good picture with Harley but that booger didn't want to sit still.
Chillaxing and just got done eating lunch. I was drinking some lemonade and it was so good and sweet! Callie was in the shower and I was waiting on her because we were going to work out to this workout DVD that she had. It was fun but my legs were hurting after wards. She was better at it then I was because she has been working out with the DVD. But I tried to keep up with Denise Austin.
Harley is so cute! :) My new friend!
Not sure what Harley is looking at but there must've been someone outside because he was looking. Then he would get off the couch and start barking. He has a loud bark. The cleaners were there cleaning and he doesn't like the vacuum cleaner so he just barked away.
He is so cute!
Harley giving me kisses!
Aren't we cute?
Early in the morning and no makeup. Ben thinks I look beautiful without makeup on. My fiancee is so sweet! :)
Gosh its so sunny outside. The blinds were open because the cleaners had them open. I should've closed them but they make for good lights!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Jennifer and Joseph's wedding

Jennifer with her family, and new husband! It was such a beautiful wedding!
Some more people from her family. They are from Chicago, IL. Jennifer and her family moved down here. Jennifer used to be one of my boss's at McDonald's. She is so sweet and I'm glad that I came!
The sun finally came out. It was thundering and lighting and raining so heavily. But as you can see the sun is out!

Her daughter wasn't happy because she wanted to take the camera and start taking pictures with it. I let her take some pictures on my camera and I helped her!
Me with the Johnson family! Such a beautiful ceremony! What a beautiful family!
Jennifer and her husband Joseph.
Me with Mischa who wasn't happy because she wanted to take pictures.

Beautiful cake! There was lots of food there and my stomach was so stuffed. Had a good time nonetheless! I can't wait til my wedding! Looking forward to it!
Jennifer's daughters.

Dance, dance, dance.
Exchanging rings. I didn't agree with the woman pastor marrying them but I showed some respect because it wasn't my wedding. I just think its biblical to have a man marry a couple but some people don't believe that.
Crying because she's so happy! I know I'm going to cry when I get married because I will be so happy!

DJ pump up the music!
Couple's first dance! How romantic!
Having a blast. I didn't really feel like dancing so I just chilled.

Look at this ridiculous storm. I'm glad that it didn't last that long but it was really bad. Everyone was getting soaked and the cover on the tables started coming off. Even though we put tape on the tables it still didn't hold but the ceremony went on. This will be a memory I will not forget.