Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Aunt Margie's dog might look evil but he's really not. Pugley is such a show off. He loves to play with his toys. Aunt Margie buys him toys from the Goodwill because he chews them up. He has a truck that he chewed up. Aunt Margie got rid of his Mickey Mouse toy because he had some fuzz on his mouth.
Pugley is very protective over Aunt Margie. He is so funny because he will follow you around. Whenever you go to the bathroom, take a shower or even eat something he's right under your feet. He doesn't like to be alone.
This was before Aunt Margie changed the sheets on the couch. I was just bored and wanted to get a picture in before the sheets were changed.
This is such a cute picture of me and Pugley. He is so handsome! I tell him that all the time!

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