Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Jennifer and Joseph's wedding

Jennifer with her family, and new husband! It was such a beautiful wedding!
Some more people from her family. They are from Chicago, IL. Jennifer and her family moved down here. Jennifer used to be one of my boss's at McDonald's. She is so sweet and I'm glad that I came!
The sun finally came out. It was thundering and lighting and raining so heavily. But as you can see the sun is out!

Her daughter wasn't happy because she wanted to take the camera and start taking pictures with it. I let her take some pictures on my camera and I helped her!
Me with the Johnson family! Such a beautiful ceremony! What a beautiful family!
Jennifer and her husband Joseph.
Me with Mischa who wasn't happy because she wanted to take pictures.

Beautiful cake! There was lots of food there and my stomach was so stuffed. Had a good time nonetheless! I can't wait til my wedding! Looking forward to it!
Jennifer's daughters.

Dance, dance, dance.
Exchanging rings. I didn't agree with the woman pastor marrying them but I showed some respect because it wasn't my wedding. I just think its biblical to have a man marry a couple but some people don't believe that.
Crying because she's so happy! I know I'm going to cry when I get married because I will be so happy!

DJ pump up the music!
Couple's first dance! How romantic!
Having a blast. I didn't really feel like dancing so I just chilled.

Look at this ridiculous storm. I'm glad that it didn't last that long but it was really bad. Everyone was getting soaked and the cover on the tables started coming off. Even though we put tape on the tables it still didn't hold but the ceremony went on. This will be a memory I will not forget.

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