Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Monday, August 16, 2010

Harley the Yorkie

My best friend Callie called me up yesterday and asked me to go and spend the night with her because she was house sitting for this couple at her church and they will be gone for a week. So I came over and spent the night with her and it was fun! I met my new friend Harley. He is so adorable! The Jones' house is beautiful. Its like a Log Cabin. I didn't want to leave because I had a great time!
The sun was beaming and shining so brightly. And I was trying to get a good picture with Harley but that booger didn't want to sit still.
Chillaxing and just got done eating lunch. I was drinking some lemonade and it was so good and sweet! Callie was in the shower and I was waiting on her because we were going to work out to this workout DVD that she had. It was fun but my legs were hurting after wards. She was better at it then I was because she has been working out with the DVD. But I tried to keep up with Denise Austin.
Harley is so cute! :) My new friend!
Not sure what Harley is looking at but there must've been someone outside because he was looking. Then he would get off the couch and start barking. He has a loud bark. The cleaners were there cleaning and he doesn't like the vacuum cleaner so he just barked away.
He is so cute!
Harley giving me kisses!
Aren't we cute?
Early in the morning and no makeup. Ben thinks I look beautiful without makeup on. My fiancee is so sweet! :)
Gosh its so sunny outside. The blinds were open because the cleaners had them open. I should've closed them but they make for good lights!

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