Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve party at the Hilliards- 2009

Chicken Quesadilla and chips and dips were so good!
The Backherms having fun at the party!
BBQ Meatballs that Amy made. They were so good!
Cheese, cheese, cheese and more cheese!
Mike laughing at one of Aaron's jokes.
Me and Amy having a great time on New Years Eve.
Baby Declan's face is priceless.
Amy so happy for the New Year.

I can't believe that another year is upon us. I look forward to this year. I had a really great year in 2009. I had a blast at Mike And Amy's house. It was a fun party. I'm so blessed to have them as my good friends. I'm so blessed to have these people in my life. I don't have a lot of friends but they always invite me when they can to their house. Happy New Years!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My favorite memories of 2009.

Ben graduating from Basic Training.
Ben with his blues on! So proud of him!
Me and Ben's lil bro Evan in Texas with his family.
Laura Beth's bridal shower.
Ben coming home from Tech School.
Seeing Ben after graduating Basic Training.
Allie was born. At Panera Bread with beautiful Allie.
Ben, David and Gpa Thompson celebrating there birthday in Texas.
Mike and Amy Hilliard. For being such great friends of mine.
Daniel and JD always smiling and hugging me when they see me.
Ben and I got engaged this year!
Me and Ben at the Louisville Airport when he was shipping out to go to BMT.
Caroling at the Nursing Home.
Church having a Christmas Party!
Keith was born. Can't believe he's almost 1 years old.

2009 has been a great year for me as you can see. So much stuff has happened both good and bad. Happy and sad but I will look back on this year and be grateful for all the things I have seen and the people that God has put in my life. Ben and I got engaged this year! Looking forward to the wedding and Ben being my husband. I loved 2009 but I look forward to 2010. Happy New Years everyone!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gifts that I got for Christmas!

Notebook that my in laws got me. They are so sweet for buying me these gifts.
Purple wallet that matches my purse. Thank you to my in laws. Thank you all so much!

I also got:
From Hersey park a postcard, chocolate bunny and a stuffed animal Hershey chocolate.
A book and mints from my brother Larry and his girlfriend Ruthie.
A bracelet from my uncle Jimmy and my Aunt Deana.
A necklace from my fiancee Ben that says I love you, I love you more on it.

My family and I also had an amazing dinner. We had Ham, biscuits, apple and sweet potato pie, cranberry sauce and potato salad. Everything was so good. Most of all the best meaning of Christmas is Jesus' birth. To celebrate his birth with my family is a very special thing to me. Its not all about the gifts its about Jesus and him being born in a manger, born of a virgin and to be named Immanuel which means "God with us." What an amazing truth that is. To realize that. Yeah its nice getting and receiving gifts but we give because God gives to us. Jesus came as a man but made himself nothing. I love the Christmas story and reading about Jesus' birth. I love Christmas its my favorite time of the year!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mery Christmas

I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I love Christmas its my favorite time of the year besides my birthday.
Matthew 1: 23 " The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, they will call him Immanuel- which means God with us." Happy Birthday Jesus!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This year has gone by so fast! I just can't believe that its almost 2010! This Christmas Season is going to be hard because my fiancee Ben is another world away. Even though I miss him so much, I'm so happy that he is in the Air Force and is serving this great country. He makes me proud! I miss his family to but they are in my prayers and I wish them the best. They sent me a package in the mail today. How thankful that I am that I have a great family. I'm so glad that I'm going to be apart of the Simon family. I look forward to being a Simon! Anyways this Christmas Eve has been great! I'm going to my friends house tomorrow to spend Christmas at their house. These are friends from church. They are really special people to me. I look forward to opening up my presents but its not about that. Its about Jesus Christ and his birth. I'm so tired of people talking about Santa Claus. Its all about Jesus not about Santa. We need to focus on that and be worshiping him and singing songs. I love Christmas time. I love the songs and most importantly remembering Jesus and him being born of a virgin and lying in a manger. I love Christ-filled songs! Merry Christmas to all! Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Long Day

I don't get my computer. I'm trying to upload pics to my blog and it says bad request. I wish Ben was here because he works in Communications in the Air Force. He is so smart and knows a lot about computers. I miss him so much. This Christmas is going to be lonely without him but at least i have his necklace he bought me. I hope he likes what I get him. I know he will. I just hope and pray that he gets his presents. I hope that they get there to him. I'm scared that they won't go there. I'm sure he will get his presents. The post office said they would call me when his package is sent. I think my pics won't upload because the base is really hot. I guess I have to wait until it cools off. I tried that but it still won't upload. Maybe its my pictures. I don't know but i don't understand why my previous pics worked but not these. I will figure something out I hope. Today has been a long day but it has gone by so fast! I look forward to opening up Christmas presents and spending time with my family and my church family! Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Spring 2009-San Antonio, TX- Ben's graduation from BMT.

Ben with his ABU hat on. My fave pic!
Ben with his uniform on! :) TRS 336.
Evan looking at something.
Ben after his graduation. I'm so proud of him!
Looking good in his Air Force hat on and his jacket.
Evan and Ian so excited to see Ben!
Dallas, TX.
Dallas, TX.
Little Rock, Arkansas.
My handsome Airman!
Evan and I. He's giving the peace sign.
The birthday boys! Ben, David and Grandpa Thompson.

As you can see we all had a blast. Just seeing Ben was worth it! It was so great seeing my man graduating from BMT. He put a lot of hard work into it. I'm so proud of Ben! He has made it so far. He is now in Germany and working a job that he was trained to do. He is in communications. He knows a lot about computers. Anyways, I loved TX and Arkansas. I hope to go again soon!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Summer 2009

Declan Mace Backherms. He was born on January 12, 2009.
Me at my softball game.
Me at Raelyn's birthday party.
This is my favorite picture.
As you can see I love taking pictures.

I know these pics are old but I wanted to put these up here. Like I said I will make sure to blog as much as I can. I have a really busy schedule: Planning a wedding, work, cleaning room, cooking, baking, learning ways to be a good wife, college coming up. As you can see my schedule is full but I will maintain this blog as much as I can. This is really great that I can blog about my life and the people in my life. I love to take pictures as you can see. I have a lot of pictures yet still to put up here. More pics of different places I've been coming soon!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pictures of my engagement ring

My silver engagement ring. I love it!
My soon to be mother in law Stacy took these pics. Navy Blue Background.
I have the most beautiful engagement ring in the world!
Green and blue background.
My favorite one.
Purple background. My favorite color is purple.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Cookies

My friend Jessica having a blast!
Mine and JD's cookies.
Mine and JD's cookies again.
Me and JD having fun and making a mess.
The After math. Delicious cookies!
Laura's cookies.
JD making a funny face.
For the people at the nursing home.
Nice fresh and hot chocolate chip m&m cookies.
Chocolate fudge.
Before putting the cookies in the oven.

Side view of the cookies.

Tonight was a blast. The people at the nursing home was so happy to see us. We made their day. They thought we all did a wonderful job. I'm so glad that we went and had a good time. After the nursing home we went back to the church. It was so chaotic! Pastor Andy and Katie were Christmas Trees. It was so much fun!