Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Cookies

My friend Jessica having a blast!
Mine and JD's cookies.
Mine and JD's cookies again.
Me and JD having fun and making a mess.
The After math. Delicious cookies!
Laura's cookies.
JD making a funny face.
For the people at the nursing home.
Nice fresh and hot chocolate chip m&m cookies.
Chocolate fudge.
Before putting the cookies in the oven.

Side view of the cookies.

Tonight was a blast. The people at the nursing home was so happy to see us. We made their day. They thought we all did a wonderful job. I'm so glad that we went and had a good time. After the nursing home we went back to the church. It was so chaotic! Pastor Andy and Katie were Christmas Trees. It was so much fun!

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