Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Friday, December 4, 2009

My Day

I'm feeling a lot better! I went to my doctor's on Monday and I have an upper respiratory infection. My throat is not anymore. Praise the Lord! I'm still coughing but not as much. I can now go out and actually do things again! At home just relaxing with my niece Raelyn, watching iCarly. Today was a good day nonetheless. Work was really busy today but it went by really fast! I was doing everything. I was running for front counter, stocking everything, cleaning things. Cheryl the big boss from corporate was there. Things really got done when she was there today. She made sure that we did our job and didn't slack around, which is a good thing. I was also taking orders on front counter to. I didn't get my break til 1:20. I was really hungry but I was fine after that. Today after work I went to go see my childhood friend Sarah Glaab at Coots Funeral Home. It was so hard seeing her lying in that casket. It doesn't seem real. Your probably wondering what happened right? Well on Monday night she commited Suicide. She was left alone I think and I guess she found a robe and hung herself. Her mom found her I think when she got home. Its such a tragedy. I can't believe she is gone. I miss her and wishes that she was still here. I remember playing with her as a child and having sleepovers and going to each others birthday parties. I'm praying for her family. I know that it hurts and I pray that the Lord will strengthen them. Sarah I hope to see you again sweetie.
Sarah Marie Glaab
November 23,1991-December 1,2009

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