Callie and I

Callie and I
Best friends

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My favorite memories of 2009.

Ben graduating from Basic Training.
Ben with his blues on! So proud of him!
Me and Ben's lil bro Evan in Texas with his family.
Laura Beth's bridal shower.
Ben coming home from Tech School.
Seeing Ben after graduating Basic Training.
Allie was born. At Panera Bread with beautiful Allie.
Ben, David and Gpa Thompson celebrating there birthday in Texas.
Mike and Amy Hilliard. For being such great friends of mine.
Daniel and JD always smiling and hugging me when they see me.
Ben and I got engaged this year!
Me and Ben at the Louisville Airport when he was shipping out to go to BMT.
Caroling at the Nursing Home.
Church having a Christmas Party!
Keith was born. Can't believe he's almost 1 years old.

2009 has been a great year for me as you can see. So much stuff has happened both good and bad. Happy and sad but I will look back on this year and be grateful for all the things I have seen and the people that God has put in my life. Ben and I got engaged this year! Looking forward to the wedding and Ben being my husband. I loved 2009 but I look forward to 2010. Happy New Years everyone!

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